I have just completed CST 462S, which includes a service learning portion in which students provide service to others via technical skills, such as software development, tutoring, and more. I was specifically assigned to develop the website and database of a small nonprofit organization in Kenya named Nyamboyo Technical School, or NTS. The mission of NTS is to empower local youth with modernized skills, including vocational and computer literacy skills, in order to help them attain a higher quality of life.
Overall, the experience went surprisingly well, especially since I dove right in with little web development skills, having not yet taken internet programming. From the very first meeting with my supervisor, I was highly motivated to complete this project and help the school establish an official student and grant database along with an interface for staff to interact with. Although the project is ongoing, I have vowed to continue serving NTS until they no longer need me, which will help everybody - I can continue to train and improve on multiple professional facets while NTS gains better software for various essential operations. We are currently quite close to completing the student application, which will serve as a great skeleton for the grant database, so all in all we are almost complete with the core deliverables.
For future students, I would recommend that you choose a service learning site that you already have skills for, especially if you are short on time. Even though I was taking two courses this term, I was still able to put in extra time learning fundamental web dev skills, but I can certainly see how most students would not have the time for this. In addition, always prioritize the needs of the client and users, they will drive your development towards perfection more than anything else. Constant feedback from your supervisors is highly beneficial. Good luck!