Tuesday, May 14, 2024

CST 363 Week 4 Report

Five Things I Have Learned

1. The first thing I have learned in the course so far is how to write SQL queries. I thought it was actually pretty cool to learn, because it is a new language. The language is kind of cute to be honest. 

2. The second thing I have learned in the course is how to join tables in SQL. This is a big deal and we spent almost a whole week on the topic. I like that we have the flexibility to choose which tables to join, and whether it is outer or inner. Creating views is also really cool and useful for analyzing data. 

3. The third thing I have learned in the course is how to create an ER diagram in MySQLWorkbench. This feature is actually simple and effective, I intend on exploring it more going forward. 

4. The fourth thing I have learned is how to to program mock tables and tuples in Java, as well as querying and indexing. This is so far a great experience because it is not only teaching us about databases but also keeping our programming skills sharp. 

5. The fifth thing I have learned is the normal forms in relational databases, which are fundamental concepts to help ensure databases are efficient and stable in the long term, especially when migrating them. There are also fourth and fifth forms, but more often than not are unnecessary to work with, given that the first three forms will take care of the vast majority of database designs. 


 1. Is it possible to use directly use a SQL database in Java (or any other popular language), and if so how? 

2. Is there a way to create graphs from SQL queries? 

3. Can databases be encrypted for security purposes? 

4. Realistically speaking, how often is the fourth and fifth normal form actually considered in SQL? 

5. What is the fundamental difference between SQL and NoSQL?

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