Saturday, March 9, 2024

Week 10 Report

     For this week of CS online in CST 338, we got to work with developing a small text based game named Jotto guess. The unit tests were all straight forward and easy to pass, with a small exception being the tear down test issue that Dr. C had let us know about occurring in windows machines (now I am curious what percent of the course students are using windows vs mac). There was a unit test that also expected getletterCount() to lower case the input which was not mentioned in the instructions, so I went ahead and fixed it after most of the program was complete. I am frankly most proud of simply getting the program finished way ahead of schedule. I had it complete at least a week ahead, which is exactly how my die hard Type-A mind likes it. All prophecies of immeasurable ambition aside, I thought the program was a cool challenge for us to learn Jotto, File, scanner, and array list methods. I think if the program was in C++ we would have finished it much faster since we are comfortable with that language more right now, however this is quickly shifting as we learn more about Java. I think within two weeks from now I may actually prefer Java.

    Looking through the new videos for week 2 now, I am hyped to train harder and become stronger as a programmer. In honor of Akira Toriyama I vow to become the software super saiyan

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